broxtronix: another curious find
broxtronix: waiting patiently
broxtronix: exploring as a team
broxtronix: beachcombing is fun!
broxtronix: does it go in the bucket?
broxtronix: Sun shines on Sol
broxtronix: out towards deeper water
broxtronix: casual combing
broxtronix: fresh mussels
broxtronix: splish splash, here come the waves
broxtronix: like mother and like son
broxtronix: barnacled mussel
broxtronix: it's anemone!
broxtronix: unidentified
broxtronix: crab we found with no arms (sad!)
broxtronix: the green bucket travels with us everywhere
broxtronix: beach portrait #1
broxtronix: beach portrait #2
broxtronix: exploration continues
broxtronix: rock portrait
broxtronix: we found a cave!
broxtronix: top of the beachworld