broxtronix: What a welcoming face...
broxtronix: RM IX Group Photo
broxtronix: Very bestest hiking buddies
broxtronix: GoPro FTW!
broxtronix: Searching for a way around... but the only way is to cross!
broxtronix: Stream crossing in progress
broxtronix: Bringing up the rear
broxtronix: Tuolumne River
broxtronix: A man of wilderness, a man of mystery
broxtronix: Packs off, lunch break!
broxtronix: En Garde!
broxtronix: Where do you think those two are heading?
broxtronix: RM IX Crew (minus the photographer)
broxtronix: Lindsay makes for the hills.
broxtronix: We must have COMPLETE COVERAGE!
broxtronix: Top 'o the Falls
broxtronix: Death Star Trench Run
broxtronix: Fairy Glen
broxtronix: Our first waterfall (many more to come)
broxtronix: Holy Cascades, Batman!
broxtronix: Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne
broxtronix: Foamy Fluid
broxtronix: This is our trail.
broxtronix: Mr. M.B.
broxtronix: Hiking gives you incredible strength!
broxtronix: Old timey.
broxtronix: Fissure
broxtronix: Danny @ Le Conte Falls
broxtronix: A dashing individual!
broxtronix: The fabled golden fly.