broxtronix: Both these men carry flyswatters.
broxtronix: Filming the creepy caterpillar nest.
broxtronix: Pair 'o anthills
broxtronix: Uuutah!
broxtronix: A trickle of water begins.
broxtronix: The cow is that way
broxtronix: Ballz!
broxtronix: A good reason to filter the water.
broxtronix: It's getting lush
broxtronix: Stone blocks 100x the size of your head.
broxtronix: Droopy Grass
broxtronix: Entering Glen Canyon NRA
broxtronix: Bend in the river
broxtronix: Look! A rare picture of me!
broxtronix: *Ahem*
broxtronix: Eli crests the hill
broxtronix: Lunch Conference
broxtronix: Ethan, sporting the tie. (Classy!)
broxtronix: Janet looks amused.
broxtronix: Action shot
broxtronix: The water grows deeper
broxtronix: Harris Wash Panorama
broxtronix: Gear check
broxtronix: The (still working at this point) filter
broxtronix: Wet boots... again.
broxtronix: Backlight is the bestlight
broxtronix: False campsite
broxtronix: Desert Flower
broxtronix: Lindsay surveys campsite #1
broxtronix: Campsite #1