Randy B 71: Lone Tree
Randy B 71: I See You
Randy B 71: Black River in winter
Randy B 71: Black River East Falls
Randy B 71: Black River
Randy B 71: Rocks, Water & Ice
Randy B 71: Cascade Trees
Randy B 71: Watching over the park
Randy B 71: Reflections "calm before the storm"
Randy B 71: Flower in my yard
Randy B 71: Another Flower
Randy B 71: Rock on a stump
Randy B 71: Flintstone's chair
Randy B 71: B&O R.R Track Switch and Whistle post
Randy B 71: Beached Stingray
Randy B 71: White Face Mountain NY
Randy B 71: Taughannock Falls NY
Randy B 71: NY Waterfall
Randy B 71: Watkins Glen NY
Randy B 71: NY Water fall
Randy B 71: Old Man and The River
Randy B 71: NY Water fall
Randy B 71: Stone Bridge NY
Randy B 71: Unique Duck
Randy B 71: Tree & Iron gate
Randy B 71: Icicles