AMSImages: 35/365 - Non stop party, Kensington High Street
AMSImages: 36/365 - Kensington High Street
AMSImages: Quick fag, Kensington High Street
AMSImages: Kensington High Street
AMSImages: Kensington High Street
AMSImages: Whole Foods, Kensington
AMSImages: 34/365 - Bus stop, Kensington
AMSImages: 32/365 -, Kensington
AMSImages: 28/365 - Spots, Kensington
AMSImages: Red coat, Kensington
AMSImages: Conspicuous, Kensington
AMSImages: Thank you
AMSImages: Look out
AMSImages: Am I in your way?
AMSImages: The invisible...
AMSImages: Boys and toys
AMSImages: 22/365 - The eyes have it....
AMSImages: 21/365 - Camel coat, Kensington High Street
AMSImages: Walking lunch, Kensington High Street
AMSImages: Dirty less big snowball
AMSImages: Inside out
AMSImages: 20/365 - Waiting, Kensington High Street
AMSImages: Sharing lunch..
AMSImages: Dirty big snowball...
AMSImages: Perfect skin
AMSImages: Ken bikes
AMSImages: Triangle formation
AMSImages: Geezer 1
AMSImages: 19/365 - Geezer 2
AMSImages: 18/365 - Kensington Church Street, Notting Hill, London