Brother Kenny: Pentecost
Brother Kenny: "Old painting from High School..."
Brother Kenny: Early April, 2010
Brother Kenny: Stoned Out
Brother Kenny: Self Portrait
Brother Kenny: Drawing Paul and Leah - 'Stylized Offspring"
Brother Kenny: Stylized Offspring...
Brother Kenny: The Blessing
Brother Kenny: A Take On Parish...
Brother Kenny: 02-02-10
Brother Kenny: One to Two Dimensional
Brother Kenny: Joan..........
Brother Kenny: signature of 35 year old drawing
Brother Kenny: After Maxfield Parish....
Brother Kenny: Concordia Seminary Tower
Brother Kenny: "High!" But Not On Life....
Brother Kenny: An old picture and poem I drew and wrote
Brother Kenny: Nice......
Brother Kenny: Copy of Thomas Hart Benton
Brother Kenny: SAM_0486
Brother Kenny: SAM_0509