BrotherLIU: 單飛 a solo flight
BrotherLIU: 水墨畫 ink painting
BrotherLIU: nice catch
BrotherLIU: high speed
BrotherLIU: 物以類聚 Birds of a feather flock together.
BrotherLIU: 不是陰天 it's sunny day
BrotherLIU: 冬日 winter day
BrotherLIU: 拾壹條線 11 lines
BrotherLIU: 同質性 homophily
BrotherLIU: 三個月亮 which is the moon?
BrotherLIU: 蜿蜒 a winding road
BrotherLIU: 不滿足 Unsatisfied
BrotherLIU: ~ ~ ~
BrotherLIU: adidas / / /
BrotherLIU: Taipei,Taiwan
BrotherLIU: waiting for you
BrotherLIU: 孔雀開屏 The peacock displays its fine tail feathers.
BrotherLIU: 倏忽即逝 Monmentary beauty