BrotherLIU: 餘暉 sunset
BrotherLIU: transformer
BrotherLIU: grow up
BrotherLIU: 願者上鉤 waiting
BrotherLIU: 舶 pull in to shore
BrotherLIU: pm3:29關渡大橋 The Kuantu bridge 1
BrotherLIU: 下凡 The Kuantu bridge 2
BrotherLIU: 弧 The Kuantu bridge 3
BrotherLIU: 孤舟蓑笠翁
BrotherLIU: 上海灘
BrotherLIU: The clouds are moving slowly in the sky.
BrotherLIU: 孤僻 lonely
BrotherLIU: 你爬阿 Do you dare?
BrotherLIU: 紅樹林廢墟 abandoned building
BrotherLIU: 進退維谷 dilemma
BrotherLIU: 離開這
BrotherLIU: 欺凌年代 70's
BrotherLIU: 一對 a couple of
BrotherLIU: 船到橋頭自然直 cross that bridge when coming to it
BrotherLIU: abandoned building
BrotherLIU: 事有蹊蹺 something happened
BrotherLIU: 觀音 Avalokiteshvara
BrotherLIU: 退路 a route for retreat
BrotherLIU: The Guandu Bridge brightens the tranquil Tamsui River.
BrotherLIU: 不帶走一片雲彩 a fast-paced life
BrotherLIU: 黃金年代 The golden years
BrotherLIU: 長路漫漫 A Long Way Gone
BrotherLIU: 涼晨寂日 The surface of the lake at night is like a huge mirror.
BrotherLIU: 不安的 Disturbed