broox: Garage grillin
broox: Garage Grillin
broox: Front yard chillin
broox: Irish Rings
broox: Playing Irish Rings
broox: Chuck all suited up in his Class A's
broox: Chuck n Red
broox: Max pourin shots
broox: Shots
broox: Shots
broox: One last game
broox: Stix!
broox: Whoa boy
broox: Tobbie!
broox: Puppy dog eyes for some dance partners
broox: Tobbie and her sister
broox: Red n Chuck
broox: Shootin pool
broox: Shootin pool
broox: Uniqlo tied around the waste
broox: Red n Jeff
broox: Stix chillin
broox: Tobbie gettin down
broox: Tobbie looking for dance partners again
broox: Spinnin towels!
broox: Oops!
broox: A lot of pointing is goin on in this photo
broox: Chuck gettin down with the ladies
broox: Chuck gettin down with the ladies
broox: Keepin Chuck's jacket warm