broox: Grain
broox: You've gotta drink beer to make beer
broox: Sitting the exact same way
broox: Chillin in the garage
broox: Jeff!
broox: Jeff and Kari
broox: Playing Irish Ringboard
broox: Mashout
broox: Kari and Teresa
broox: Cigars
broox: Hop Boat
broox: Spices
broox: Fancy Hats
broox: Cigars
broox: Playing Irish Rings
broox: Grain
broox: Garth
broox: Playing in the yard
broox: Garf
broox: To the carboy
broox: Patricia
broox: I imagine Vic is telling an awesome story right here
broox: Patricia contributing to the homebrew
broox: Chillin in the garage
broox: Playing Irish rings
broox: Killer Ringboard pose
broox: I apparently need to pull up my pants
broox: Batch #2
broox: Templeton Rye - Manhattans
broox: Making Templeton Rye Manhattans