broox: Our old house
broox: A Purple Lion
broox: Modern Woodman Park and the Centennial Bridge
broox: John O'Donnell Press Box
broox: Quad City River Bandits vs. Cedar Rapids Kernals
broox: Kari and I at the Game
broox: Kari, Mom, and I
broox: Trike Race!
broox: The Centennial Bridge
broox: The Centennial Bridge
broox: Suite!
broox: Quad City River Bandits Baseball
broox: Box Seats
broox: Dessert Shot
broox: Dessert Shot
broox: Mom and Kari
broox: Fireworks after the game
broox: Mom and her friend Nancy
broox: Rich and I
broox: Mom's Dog is annoying - so I put him in the cupboard
broox: Rubbing My Meat - Spreading Swine Flu
broox: Grilling Loins
broox: Mother's Day Group at Mom's
broox: Kari and her mom