broox: Ironing this shirt totally paid off
broox: Kari and I at Tomfooleries
broox: Tobbie and Kari
broox: 1 of those girls in the background would soon be with Chuck
broox: Kari (Nathan) and I
broox: At Blonde
broox: Hey round eye
broox: Wifey with the shutter shades
broox: That chick had 4 pairs of sunglasses on
broox: The initiation
broox: Aaand dancing
broox: Josh dancing with Krissy's friend
broox: Me and Eboni
broox: Eboni and Josh
broox: Eboni and Ando
broox: Chuck, Krissy, and Nick
broox: DJ Mike Scott
broox: JJ, Krissy, and Ando
broox: Kari, Tobbie, and JJ
broox: Chuck grinding on Krissy's face
broox: Ando breakin it down
broox: Nathan and Eboni
broox: Josh snuck upstairs
broox: This was almost a good photo
broox: Taking a shoe break on the way to the Faloon
broox: Air Josh
broox: I have no idea...
broox: Tivol Doggie Bar
broox: The start of Nathan's 30th birthday.
broox: Why does this keep happening?