Brook...: gma and gus
Brook...: Gma and gus
Brook...: This is Gus' great grandmother
Brook...: and so freaking cute!
Brook...: Im a stud
Brook...: just relaxing in the sun
Brook...: SMILE!
Brook...: POSE!
Brook...: hahaha
Brook...: Grandma with her great grandchildren
Brook...: At the park
Brook...: At the park
Brook...: Gus eating wood chips
Brook...: My Mom and Gus
Brook...: I love him!
Brook...: so cute!
Brook...: Dad stop getting the sand off!
Brook...: I love the sand!
Brook...: mmmmm
Brook...: Sandy eyebrows
Brook...: Oh gus get out of that sand!
Brook...: Gus with my mom
Brook...: Gussy
Brook...: Gussy
Brook...: Gussy
Brook...: Gussy
Brook...: Gussy