brooke!: i heart you forever and ever!
brooke!: austin
brooke!: maryland boys like to text
brooke!: mommy can i take your photo/no/why not/because you're going to put it up on that website and people are going to look at me
brooke!: mother
brooke!: little rockstar one
brooke!: little rockstar two
brooke!: thanks for being super awesome.
brooke!: daniel
brooke!: d and pony
brooke!: benjamin
brooke!: mark
brooke!: and hannae!
brooke!: this is what happens when it's too cold to go outside.
brooke!: robert
brooke!: sabi!
brooke!: michael, my heart
brooke!: deville and dad
brooke!: gorgeous.
brooke!: colin
brooke!: emily
brooke!: we found worms in our water