brooke!: rickshaw, phnom penh, cambodia
brooke!: street on the way to phnom penh
brooke!: phnom penh
brooke!: blurry stop
brooke!: on the way to the killing fields
brooke!: monument to the massacre
brooke!: skull tower
brooke!: mass graves
brooke!: safety first, mmhmm
brooke!: street, phnom penh
brooke!: statue
brooke!: sunset over phnom penh
brooke!: pups
brooke!: on the way to siam reap, cambodia
brooke!: temples of angkor wat, siam reap
brooke!: temples of angkor wat
brooke!: temples of angkor wat
brooke!: temples of angkor wat
brooke!: temples of angkor wat
brooke!: temples of angkor wat
brooke!: angkor wat
brooke!: angkor wat
brooke!: IMG_6413.JPG