Sandalwood19: Cambodia ......
Sandalwood19: I would say 'this is the life' ....
Sandalwood19: Just dreaming away the day ....
Sandalwood19: Lazy days on the beautiful Teuk Chou River ....
Sandalwood19: The Green House ....
Sandalwood19: On the way home ......
Sandalwood19: Fishing boat at sunset .....
Sandalwood19: I'm not sure if this is breakfast or lunch .....
Sandalwood19: Today is a 'rest' day ....
Sandalwood19: Monkey business ......
Sandalwood19: Kep crab market and seafood restaurants .....
Sandalwood19: Sunset tonight .....
Sandalwood19: Sunset last night .....
Sandalwood19: 'FAT JIM' is now bored with 4 weeks' holiday and sick of keeping the rats at bay ....
Sandalwood19: Chilling in the shade ....
Sandalwood19: Oh no you didn't ?? Oh YES I did ;-) ;-) .....
Sandalwood19: Kampot people ....
Sandalwood19: Kampot people ....
Sandalwood19: Kampot people (and animals) ....
Sandalwood19: Kampot people ....
Sandalwood19: Kampot people ....
Sandalwood19: Kampot people ....
Sandalwood19: Kampot people (and animals .....)
Sandalwood19: Kampot people ....
Sandalwood19: Campot people ....
Sandalwood19: Kampot people ....
Sandalwood19: So far so good, I survived almost 2 weeks without falling off ....
Sandalwood19: Happiness is .....
Sandalwood19: 'Handsfree' Cambodian style ....
Sandalwood19: Almost as big as my shoe .......