Sandalwood19: The 'lifeboat girls' ...
Sandalwood19: The only pirates ...
Sandalwood19: Old Timers ...
Sandalwood19: Gotcha ...
Sandalwood19: Believe it or not ...
Sandalwood19: Don't look now ...
Sandalwood19: All he was short of ...
Sandalwood19: A country hick ...
Sandalwood19: No wonder it was 'love at first sight' ....
Sandalwood19: She fell in love with the 'tin man'....
Sandalwood19: Old man of the sea ....
Sandalwood19: This one's for you FUNK !!
Sandalwood19: Matching eyebrows and sideburns ....
Sandalwood19: Bristol Harbour Festival 2011
Sandalwood19: Bristol Harbour Festival 2011
Sandalwood19: Wow !! Gorillas ...
Sandalwood19: Wow !! Gorillas ...
Sandalwood19: Wow !! Gorillas ...
Sandalwood19: Wow !! Gorillas ...
Sandalwood19: Wow !! Gorillas ...
Sandalwood19: Catering department ...
Sandalwood19: My little Italian 'friend' Josie ...
Sandalwood19: My apologies ...
Sandalwood19: Watching anxiously ,,,
Sandalwood19: "Occupy Bristol"
Sandalwood19: Moray Eel ...
Sandalwood19: If not you ...
Sandalwood19: Remember the bicycle wheel ....
Sandalwood19: Occupy Bristol ...
Sandalwood19: Is this the back door ...