Brook Reams: Clutch Throw Out Mechanism [Source: MAX BMW]
Brook Reams: Clutch Parts [Source MAX BMW]
Brook Reams: Clutch Install/Removal Bolts, Nuts, Washers
Brook Reams: Hardened Bolt for Clutch Install/Removal 10.9
Brook Reams: Clutch Compression Ring Alignment Mark with OT (Red) Mark
Brook Reams: Removing Every Other Clutch Bolt
Brook Reams: Tightening Nut
Brook Reams: Backing Out Nuts 1/4 Turn At a Time
Brook Reams: Nut Backed Out to Bolt Head
Brook Reams: Clutch Compression Ring & Flywheel Paint Mark
Brook Reams: Clutch Pressure Plate with & Flywheel Paint Marks
Brook Reams: Paint Marks on Flywheel & Diaphragm Spring
Brook Reams: Measuring Diaphragm Spring Finger Height
Brook Reams: Typical Diaphragm Spring Finger Height
Brook Reams: Pressure Plate Condition, Compression Ring Similar
Brook Reams: Friction Disk Uneven Wear
Brook Reams: Friction Disk Uneven Wear
Brook Reams: Clutch Activation Mechanism
Brook Reams: Push Rod and Plate Got Very Hot
Brook Reams: Push Rod Got Very Hot
Brook Reams: Broken Roller Bearings
Brook Reams: South Land Clutch Rebuild Clutch Parts
Brook Reams: South Land Clutch Balancing Marks
Brook Reams: Wood Dowels for Holding Clutch Parts on Flywheel
Brook Reams: South Land Clutch Rebuilt Clutch Compression Plate
Brook Reams: South Land Clutch Rebuilt Clutch Plate
Brook Reams: Rebuilt Clutch Plate
Brook Reams: South Land Clutch Rebuilt Pressure Plate
Brook Reams: New Diaphragm Spring
Brook Reams: New Diaphragm Spring Finger Profile