Brook Reams: Specifications
Brook Reams: Specifications
Brook Reams: Micrometer
Brook Reams: Zeroing Micrometer with 3 Inch Reference
Brook Reams: Bore Guage
Brook Reams: Washers
Brook Reams: Sleeve for Diameter Range
Brook Reams: Sleeve & Washer
Brook Reams: Sleeve, Washer & Nut
Brook Reams: Sleeve & Washer Installed
Brook Reams: Setting Reference Diameter
Brook Reams: Setting Bore Gauge
Brook Reams: Zeroing Bore Gauge
Brook Reams: Rock Bore Gauge for Minimum Distance
Brook Reams: .Rock Bore Gauge for Minimum Distance
Brook Reams: Rock Bore Gauge for Minimum Distance
Brook Reams: Bore Diameter
Brook Reams: Measuring Piston Diameter on Thrust Side of Skirt
Brook Reams: Meauring Piston Diameter
Brook Reams: Cylinder & Piston Measurements
Brook Reams: Cylinder Group Mark "B" on Left Side
Brook Reams: Cylinder Group Mark "B" on Right Side
Brook Reams: Correct Cylinder Size Mark "B"
Brook Reams: Piston Group Size 81.975
Brook Reams: Piston Group Size 81.975
Brook Reams: Checking Cylinder and Piston Temperatures
Brook Reams: Sharpe Rings for Measuring Top & Bottom Cylinder Diamter
Brook Reams: View of Bore Before Honing
Brook Reams: Top of Cylinder with Minor Ridge and Polished Bore
Brook Reams: New Rings