bronxbob: Helen at St. Mary's City
bronxbob: me at Historic St. Mary's
bronxbob: Chapel & Mackall barn - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: Chapel - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: St. Mary's City - Chapel
bronxbob: reflection - Chapel - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: St. Mary's City - window in chapel
bronxbob: chapel window - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: Mackall Barn - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: Mackall Barn2 - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: St. Mary's City
bronxbob: ancient cannon - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: Memorial to Mathias de Sousa
bronxbob: Margaret Brent Garden1
bronxbob: Margaret Brent tablet - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: the Dove - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: the Dove2 - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: the Dove3 - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: the Dove4 - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: deck gun aboard the Dove
bronxbob: replica of the Dove - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: view from aboard the Dove
bronxbob: reconstructed house - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: reconstructed state house & stocks - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: reconstructed building - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: chamber - state house - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: Council Chamber of state house - St. Mary's City
bronxbob: mapmaker Augustine Herrman
bronxbob: Maryland Coat of Arms
bronxbob: the photographer caught