Brian Romans: Cerro Cazador
Brian Romans: Rio de las Chinas from Cerro Cazador
Brian Romans: On top of Cerro Cazador
Brian Romans: Looking south to Cerro Sol
Brian Romans: Looking north to Sierra Dorotea
Brian Romans: The road to Chingue
Brian Romans: Sheep on Cerro Cazador
Brian Romans: Rio de las Chinas from Cerro Cazador
Brian Romans: Lunch in the field
Brian Romans: Glaciers and waterfall at Valle de Frances
Brian Romans: The Paine Massif and Rio Serrano
Brian Romans: The Paine Massif from the boat on Lago Pehoe
Brian Romans: Turbidites exposed along the Paine Grande trail
Brian Romans: The muddy trail to refugio Los Cuernos
Brian Romans: Cobble beach along Lago Nordensjkold
Brian Romans: A notro flower with Los Cuernos in the background
Brian Romans: Hannah along the trail to refugio Los Cuernos
Brian Romans: Hannah along the trail to Valle de Frances
Brian Romans: Lago Nordensjkold and Silla Syncline from Valle de Frances
Brian Romans: Hannah at Valle de Frances
Brian Romans: Becca at Valle de Frances
Brian Romans: Glaciers on Paine Grande
Brian Romans: Hannah making her way up the trail
Brian Romans: Lateral moraine in Valle de Frances
Brian Romans: Bridge over Rio Frances
Brian Romans: Hannah and Becca in the woods near Valle de Frances
Brian Romans: Looking up at Paine Grande
Brian Romans: Becca and Hannah hiking near Paine Grande
Brian Romans: Becca and Hannah hiking near Paine Grande
Brian Romans: Becca packing for the hike