Brody J: A Favorite Springtime Encounter~ Eight-Spotted Forester Moth (Alypia octomaculata)
Brody J: You Sure Said a Mouthful~Great Crested Flycatcher
Brody J: Revisiting the Passion Vine Crew~ Zebra Longwing Butterfly (Heliconius charitonius) Caterpillar
Brody J: My Personal March Madness~ Eight-Spotted Forester Moth (Alypia octomaculata)
Brody J: Great to Meet You, Slugger~Crowned Slug Moth Caterpillar
Brody J: Beautiful Harbinger of Approaching Autumn~ Pine Lily Wildflower (Lilium catesbaei)
Brody J: Revisiting the Spicebush Swallowtail Larvae~Wearing O' the Green
Brody J: Amid the Pipeworts
Brody J: Pyramid Scheme~ Hieroglyphic Moth (Diphthera festiva)
Brody J: A Sudden Population Explosion! ~ Hieroglyphic Moth (Diphthera festiva) Caterpillars
Brody J: Stylin' and Profilin'~ Male Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus)
Brody J: Looking Back On 10 Years On Flickr~ Dreamscape
Brody J: Weeks Bay Bog Beauty
Brody J: Visiting the Pitcher Plant~Variegated Fritiilary
Brody J: My Personal March Madness~ Eight-Spotted Forester Moth (Alypia octomaculata)
Brody J: God's Artwork~Painted Skimmer
Brody J: February Fluttering~American Snout Butterfly
Brody J: Azaleas Ablaze~ Florida Flame Azalea (Rhododendron austrinum)
Brody J: Smiles Are Contagious~ American Green Tree Frog (Hyla cinerea)
Brody J: My Personal March Madness~ Eight-Spotted Forester Moth (Alypia octomaculata)
Brody J: As Fresh As the Morning Dew
Brody J: Barbara's Buttons at the Bog
Brody J: On a Sunday Hike
Brody J: The Cat In the 1980's Pajamas~Banded Sphinx Moth Caterpillar
Brody J: My July Tradition~Visiting the Joe-Pye Weed
Brody J: They're Finally Crawling Out of the Tent~ Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth Caterpillars (Malacosoma americanum)
Brody J: Some Mysterious Hieroglyphics~ Hieroglyphic Moth (Diphthera festiva) Caterpillar
Brody J: Are You the Babysitter? ~ Hieroglyphic Moth (Diphthera festiva) Caterpillars
Brody J: A Sudden Population Explosion! ~ Hieroglyphic Moth (Diphthera festiva) Caterpillar
Brody J: As Fine As Frog Hair~ Bronze Frog (Lithobates clamitans)