Brody J:
Junior, Pick Up Your Dirty Clothes! Freshly Molted Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar of the Regal Moth (Citheronia regalis)
Brody J:
One of the Biggest Stars of a Muddy Creek Autumn~ Pink-spotted Hawk Moth (Agrius cingulata) Caterpillar
Brody J:
You Handsome Devil~ Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar of the Regal Moth (Citheronia regalis)
Brody J:
I Wouldn't Want To Meet This Guy In a Dark Alley~ Harris' Three-spot Moth (Harrisimemna trisignata) Caterpillar
Brody J:
A New Encounter at the End of the Season~ Variegated Midget Moth (Elaphria versicolor) Caterpillar
Brody J:
A Regular Slug Fest Broke Out at the Upper Delta~ Spiny Oak-Slug Moth (Euclea delphinii) Caterpillar
Brody J:
A Regular Slug Fest Broke Out at the Upper Delta~ Spiny Oak-Slug Moth (Euclea delphinii) Caterpillar
Brody J:
A Regular Slug Fest Broke Out at the Upper Delta~ Spiny Oak-Slug Moth (Euclea delphinii) Caterpillar
Brody J:
November's Youngster~ Early Instar Morning-glory Prominent Moth (Schizura ipomaeae) Caterpillar