broccolini: Flying into LA
broccolini: The view from Griffith Obvservatory yesterday. #nofilter
broccolini: So many cute shoes
broccolini: Two hot chicks licking ice cream. Who cares what they're filming it for.
broccolini: @stakelon Stay still cat so I can instagram you
broccolini: Cat and mouse
broccolini: Raaar
broccolini: Bog huge avocado tree at the Farmhouse. A shame I don't like avocados.
broccolini: Aww Civ sulking in the corner because I stopped petting her
broccolini: Pretty happy about this doona cover
broccolini: Working by candlelight rocks
broccolini: Made it
broccolini: Where's Charlie?
broccolini: I have arrived somewhere awesome, though I think no.10 should be no.1
broccolini: In LA. Hello 405.