bro-mark: Just this, the station pt. 1
bro-mark: Just this, the station pt. 2
bro-mark: Landscape
bro-mark: Drying kakis
bro-mark: Half house half restaurant
bro-mark: View from the restaurant
bro-mark: Ready to eat
bro-mark: Udon ramen
bro-mark: Flavio
bro-mark: Casks
bro-mark: Maybe it helps
bro-mark: Doubtful
bro-mark: Oh, really?
bro-mark: Not a wax statue
bro-mark: Emanuele can do magic
bro-mark: Casks
bro-mark: Wineyard
bro-mark: Enjoying?
bro-mark: What a waste
bro-mark: Yep, that big. And 800 years old.
bro-mark: Tree-hugger
bro-mark: Wanting the candy
bro-mark: Smaller than it is
bro-mark: Tall, huh?
bro-mark: Professionally
bro-mark: Tender
bro-mark: Finally, rotenburo.