bro-mark: On the way 1
bro-mark: On the way 2
bro-mark: On the way 3
bro-mark: The countryside suddenly looks more tropical
bro-mark: Towns
bro-mark: The sea
bro-mark: The sea
bro-mark: Towns
bro-mark: Suddenly it feels like India
bro-mark: Something blue, something from another era
bro-mark: One random station on the way
bro-mark: Stephen
bro-mark: One of the biggest landmarks in the area.
bro-mark: Beaches
bro-mark: Rice field
bro-mark: My workplace for 8 months to come
bro-mark: That's the place
bro-mark: Station view
bro-mark: "Where the f**k are we ending up in?"
bro-mark: Station view
bro-mark: Shopping street
bro-mark: One of the fanciest shops in town
bro-mark: The war's over
bro-mark: Towards Hiroshima
bro-mark: Inbound
bro-mark: The glass city