Britta's photo world: Glendalough Roundtower
Britta's photo world: Glendalough Roundtower
Britta's photo world: Glendalough, Chapel + Roundtower
Britta's photo world: Glendalough Upper lake
Britta's photo world: Glendalough upriver
Britta's photo world: Cathedral outside
Britta's photo world: Cathedral Glendalough, inside
Britta's photo world: Glendalough, downriver
Britta's photo world: Reeferts, Glendalough
Britta's photo world: Upper lake Glendalough
Britta's photo world: Glenmacnass Waterfalls, the valley the water falls into :-)
Britta's photo world: Sally Gap, Wicklow
Britta's photo world: In the weeds
Britta's photo world: Mire and Moss
Britta's photo world: Little Water Fall