Britopian: Intel Public Relations Team
Britopian: team
Britopian: Eva Levin from
Britopian: Frank Gruber and Michael Brito
Britopian: Ted Murphy
Britopian: DSC02365
Britopian: DSC02363
Britopian: DSC02366
Britopian: DSC02367
Britopian: Intel folks
Britopian: HP Peeps
Britopian: Christine, Greta and Andy from HP
Britopian: Suzie Pruitt and Ken Kaplan
Britopian: MC Hammer and Michael Brito
Britopian: Dave Berkowitz and Michael Brito
Britopian: Michael Brito and Ted Murphy
Britopian: Hammer and Kelly Feller
Britopian: Rohit and Michael Brito
Britopian: Rohit and MC Hammer
Britopian: Brian Solis and Michael Brito
Britopian: DSC02380