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albums of British Red Cross.
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Middle East Map
Postcards for Syria
International Fundraising Committee: 2015 Events
Silent Emergencies
Nepal Earthquake
2014: the year in pictures
South Sudan Crisis
British Red Cross Royal Garden Party
Typhoon Haiyan: Six months on
Haiti - four years later
The year in pictures 2013
KwaZulu Natal - children affected by HIV.
Mongolia: homes for winter
Land Rover ambulance conversion
Refugee services history
January 2013 snow
Year in Pictures: 2012
British Red Cross in the UK
Dadaab Refugee Camp
West Africa Food Crisis 2012
Syria crisis appeal
Bangladesh: a cyclone photo story
Haiti, 2 years on
The year in pictures 2011
South African HIV programme
Horn of Africa food crisis 2011
History of our refugee services
Royal Wedding
Ivory Coast Crisis
New Zealand earthquake appeal
The year in pictures - 2010
Pakistan Floods Appeal
Haiti earthquake appeal
British Red Cross 140th anniversary
Missing Lives of the Balkans
Chile Earthquake
Education resources
World Water Day 2010
Channel Islands relief during the Second World War
Severe weather response Jan 2010
Boxing Day tsunami: 5 years on
Peckham fire, Nov 2009
Cockermouth floods
Pakistan healthcare photo gallery
Second World War – The Blitz
Ethiopia photo gallery
Zimbabwe Cholera Photo Gallery
Liberia CAR photo gallery
Hurricane photo gallery
Cyclone Nargis photo gallery
Afghanistan photo gallery
Tsunami photo gallery
Pakistan crisis 2009
Bangladesh photo gallery
China earthquake photo gallery 2008
The British Red Cross in the Second World War
Land Rover Partnership
The British Red Cross in the First World War
Post-war health and social care services
History of therapeutic care
British Red Cross nurses and hospitals post-war
The British Red Cross between the wars
The Changi quilt
A hundred years of British Red Cross posters
History of emergency response in the UK
Senegal Flooding
Uganda - Lira Livelihoods Sept 2009
Vietnam Flooding
Samoan Tsunami
Indonesia earthquake
Philippines Typhoon
Geneva Conventions at 60
Disaster Preparedness in Bangladesh
Swine Flu
Healthcare in Liberia
TB in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
Tsunami: face to face
Australian Bushfires
Social Care in Mongolia
Overseas Operations
February Snow
Event First Aid
Our vehicles
Emergency Response