The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "T' CASTEEL TE DUERSTEDE BY WYCK. /"
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "THUYS te BATESTYN of't HOF te VIANEN."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Het Konings Tacht-Huys, Soestdyk."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "'T GESIGT VAN DE BETUWE. /"
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "MONTFOORT. /"
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "PELSWERDA ULTRAJECTINA."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "WYCK BY DUERSTEDE."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "T'HUYS tot SEYST VAN ACHTEREN."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "CARSBERGEN TE SEYST."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "T'HUYS tot SEYST."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "AMERSFOORT."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "RHENEN."