The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Grŭnd = riss einer brückenschanze zŭ deckŭng von 3 schiff = oder ponton = brücken, die mit 1200 mann infanterie ŭnd 12 canonen gefelzet werden kann."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Grand tête de pont pour couvrir trois ponts et la retraite d'une armeè profil pour ce grand tète de pont = Fort a 4 demi bastions = Tète de pont avec des flancs."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Retranchment a redans =retranchment a courtine briseé = retranchment en tenaille = retranchment avec des bastions et fleches = retranchment a redoute = joint par des redans et courtine briseé."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Entwurf zu verschanzung eines lagers unter ten canonen einer vestung fur 10 batallions infantiere und 8 esquadron cavallerie."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Entwurffzur verschlanzung einer gegend zwischen zwei gebirgen mit vertheidgung von 10 batallions infantrie und 12 esquadrons cavallerie."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Entwurf eines retranchments unter die canonen festung die befatzung belfchet aus 10 bataillons infanterie und 8 esquadrons cavallerie "
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "[Two sheets of graphite rubbings taken from sixteenth century brass memorial plates in St. Mary's Church, Antingham, Norfolk]."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "[Two sheets of graphite rubbings taken from sixteenth century brass memorial plates in St. Mary's Church, Antingham, Norfolk]."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "[Two sheets of graphite rubbings taken from sixteenth century brass memorial plates in St. Mary's Church, Antingham, Norfolk]."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "[Two sheets of graphite rubbings taken from sixteenth century brass memorial plates in St. Mary's Church, Antingham, Norfolk]."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "[Two sheets of graphite rubbings taken from sixteenth century brass memorial plates in St. Mary's Church, Antingham, Norfolk]."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "[Two sheets of graphite rubbings taken from sixteenth century brass memorial plates in St. Mary's Church, Antingham, Norfolk]."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "[Le Globe Terrestre ... dressé sur la projection de M. de la Hyre ... par I.B. Nolin, etc]"
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "The SEA COAST of BELL-ISLE from POINTE de PIERRE to the Guard House de St. FOY near which the BRITISH FORCES landed 22d. of April 1761. "
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD, SURVEYED Anno MDCCLXV "
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "PLAN DE LA CITADELLE DE LIEGE."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Ruine des Nonnenklosters zum Heil. Kreuz bey Meissen "
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Systema Mundi Tychonicum, secundum Tychonis de Brahe et I.B. Riccioli hypotheses, concinnatum a I.G. Doppelmajero: opera J.B. Homanni."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Systema Solare et Planetarium, ex hypothesi Copernicanâ, secundum ... Hugenii deductiones ... exhibitum, a J.B. Homanno."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "The Solar System representing the Sun and Planets in their natural proportions, by W. Barlow."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "A Synopsis of the Universe, or the visible World epitomiz'd by T. Wright."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "The Planispherical Planetarium, or Representation in plans of the most interesting part of the Solar System, giving a view of the Sun and the inferior Planets Mercury and Venus, also of the Earth, shewing the manne
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Introduction à la Géographie; Carte des diverses positions de la S., des Systèmes de l'Univers, des Planetes, des Éclipses ... Par le Sr Delafosse."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Stellarum Fixarum Hemisphaerium Australe (Boreale) in plano Eclipticae depictum, omnes Catalogi Britannici stellas exhibeus eo situ quem anno 1690 habuerunt, a J. Senex."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Stellarum Fixarum Hemisphaerium Australe (Boreale) in plano Eclipticae depictum, omnes Catalogi Britannici stellas exhibeus eo situ quem anno 1690 habuerunt, a J. Senex."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Planisphères Célestes Septentrional et Méridional, par M. de la Hire."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Planisphères Célestes Septentrional et Méridional, par M. de la Hire."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Hemisphaerium Coeli Australe (Boreale), in quo loca Stellarum fixarum secundum Æquatorem, per ascenciones ad annum 1730 completum, sistuntur, a J.G. Doppelmaiėro; operâ J.B. Homanni."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Hemisphaerium Coeli Australe (Boreale), in quo loca Stellarum fixarum secundum Æquatorem, per ascenciones ad annum 1730 completum, sistuntur, a J.G. Doppelmaiėro; operâ J.B. Homanni."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Planiglobium Boreale--Planiglobium Australe--Coniglobium Boreale--Coniglobium Australe--Horizonttafel fur die Planiglobia--Horizonttafel fur die Sternkegel; per Rosmaesler."