The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 33 of "On the Mammals of the Island of Formosa (China) [With coloured plates. From the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, December 9, 1862.]"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 34 of "Fairy Mary's Dream. By A. F. L. With illustrations by the Author"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 265 of "Zwei Wanderungen durch da nördliche Afrika. Aegypten-Algerien"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 43 of "Fairy Mary's Dream. By A. F. L. With illustrations by the Author"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 843 of "Монголія и страна Тангутовъ, трехлѣтнее путешествіе въ Восточной Нагорной Азіи"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 406 of "Gun and Camera in Southern Africa ... With numerous illustrations and a map"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 27 of "Fairy Mary's Dream. By A. F. L. With illustrations by the Author"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 305 of "The British Miscellany: or, coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, etc. vol. I, vol. II"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 129 of "Poetry of the year. Passages from the poets descriptive of the seasons. With twenty-two coloured illustrations from drawings by eminent artists [Edited by Joseph Cundall.]"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 18 of "Fairy Mary's Dream. By A. F. L. With illustrations by the Author"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 444 of "De Aardbol. Magazijn van hedendaagsche land- en volkenkunde ... Met platen en kaarten [Deel 4-9 by P. H. W.]"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 382 of "Terres lointaines. Voyage autour du monde. Ouvrage illustré de 17 planches, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 51 of "Exploration and Hunting in Central Africa, 1895-96 ... With eight full-page illustrations by C. Whymper, twenty-five photographs and a map"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 235 of "Round Africa; being some account of the peoples and places of the Dark Continent"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 821 of "Монголія и страна Тангутовъ, трехлѣтнее путешествіе въ Восточной Нагорной Азіи"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 468 of "Our Earth and its Story: a popular treatise on physical geography. Edited by R. Brown. With ... coloured plates and maps, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 867 of "Монголія и страна Тангутовъ, трехлѣтнее путешествіе въ Восточной Нагорной Азіи"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 241 of "Camping in the Canadian Rockies ... With ... a sketch of the early explorations ... With ... illustrations, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 408 of "Thrilling Life Stories for the Masses"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 265 of "The Land of the Lion; or, Adventures among the wild animals of Africa. With ... illustrations"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 257 of "Zwei Wanderungen durch da nördliche Afrika. Aegypten-Algerien"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 458 of "The History of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Pamaratta [sic], Sydney, and all its dependancies ... with the customs and manners of the natives, and an account of the English colony,
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 16 of "A Naturalist in North Celebes. A narrative of travels in Minahassa, the Sangir and Talaut Islands, with notices of the fauna, flora and ethnology of the districts visited ... With maps and illustrations"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 163 of "Griset's Grotesques; or, jokes drawn on wood, with rhymes by Tom Hood. One hundred quaint designs by E. Griset. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 164 of "Notes on the Journey [Religious verse, etc.]"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 163 of "The Wonders of the World. In nature, art & mind. Edited by H. Ince ... & Robert Mudie, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 463 of "Jottings during the Cruise of H.M.S. Curaçoa among the South Sea Islands in 1865 ... With ... natural history notices [by G. R. Gray, A. C. L. G. Guenther and others] [With plates and a map.]"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 53 of "Notes on the Journey [Religious verse, etc.]"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 333 of "Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society; being a narrative of a second journey in the interior of that country. By the Rev. John Campbell. With a map and coloure
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 41 of "The Land of the Lion; or, Adventures among the wild animals of Africa. With ... illustrations"