The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 429 of "Histoire de soixante ans, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 420 of "The History of England to the Revolution in 1688. New edition, with the author's last corrections, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 535 of "The history of England from the Revolution to the death of George the Second ... A new edition. With the author's last corrections and improvements"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 364 of "Historic Memoirs of Ireland; comprising secret records of the National Convention, the Rebellion, and the Union; with delineations of the principal characters connected with these translations, etc [With p
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 508 of "The Popular History of England"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 19 of "L'Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'en 1789, racontée à mes petits-enfants ... Ouvrage illustré ... d'après les dessins d'A. de Neuville"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 225 of "The Story of Chicago. (Vol. II. by J. Kirkland and C. Kirkland, 1894.)"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 218 of "The Story of Chicago. (Vol. II. by J. Kirkland and C. Kirkland, 1894.)"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 95 of "With the King at Oxford. A tale of the Great Rebellion ... With sixteen illustrations"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 27 of "Remarks on a Tour to North and South Wales, in the year 1797 ... With plates from Rowlandson, Pugh, Howett, etc. Aquatinted by T. Hill"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 651 of "Oesterreichische Geschichte für das Volk. (Herausgegeben vom Vereine zur Verbreitung von Druckschriften für Volksbildung.)"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 10 of "The Stranger's Guide to Hampton-Court Palace and Gardens"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 8 of "Notes pour servir à l'histoire de l'empereur Maximilien, d'après ses œuvres, les récits du capitaine ... A. Hans ... et des témoins oculaires de l'exécution. Receuillies [sic] par F. de S.-M"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 71 of "Introduction to the History of Cambria, from the first invasion of Britain by the Romans to ... 1188, etc [By Sir R. C. Hoare, Bart.] Progress of Architecture from a period nearly coeval with the Conqueror,
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 563 of "History of Queen's County, ... with illustrations, ... sketches of ... families, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 319 of "History of La Fayette County, ... preceded by a history of Wisconsin [by C. W. Butterfield], etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 413 of "The Popular History of England"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 78 of "The Poetical Works of Erasmus Darwin ... Containing the Botanic Garden ... and the Temple of Nature. With philosophical notes and plates"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 10 of "Excursions in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden; including notices of the state of public opinion in those countries, and anecdotes of their Courts"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 73 of "О племенахъ земнаго шара. Съ рисунками"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 329 of "Le Pays des Pharaons [With illustrations.]"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 354 of "Preadamites; or a demonstration of the existence of men before Adam, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 312 of "Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians [With plates.]"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 444 of "The Household Guide and Instructor. With biographies of the Presidents of the United States, and a ... history of Guernsey County, Ohio [By C. S. Percival and others.] With illustrations"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 12 of "The Works of John Locke, etc. (The Remains of John Locke ... Published from his original manuscripts.-An account of the life and writings of John Locke [by J. Le Clerc] . The third edition, etc.) [With a po
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 8 of "The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley ... To which are added his essays and fragments"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 10 of "Old Touraine. The life and history of the famous châteaux of France"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 713 of "History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, with biographical sketches ... Illustrated"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 499 of "Le Grand siècle. Louis XIV. Les arts, les idées, etc [With plates.]"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 6 of "Absolutely True. Written and illustrated by Irving Montagu"