British Judo: Two BJA staff members and two volunteers in the hard hats that had to be worn whilst the lighting rig was going up
British Judo: Well done to all who was on mat washing early on Friday morning...your hard work was well worthit in the end!
British Judo: The Press Box
British Judo: Birds eye view before all the mats were down
British Judo: Staff putting up the medical gazebos on the arena floor. Plus the BJA Events Officer making use of the walkie talkie
British Judo: Laying the mats on Friday. Good job guys!
British Judo: The first gazebo up on the arena floor
British Judo: Players warming up at the 2009 GB World Cup
British Judo: There was screens at either end of the mat area
British Judo: IT and Table Officials setting up
British Judo: Final set up for the 2009 GB World Cup
British Judo: BJA staff welcoming VIP's and Press
British Judo: Players warming up at the 2009 GB World Cup
British Judo: British Judo Merchandise stand at the 2009 GB World Cup
British Judo: Bird's eye view of the mats ready for competition to begin at the 2009 GB World Cup