Teka England: you missed
Teka England: stop that lepisto!
Teka England: curry pancake (eeeeew)
Teka England: pre-agitating
Teka England: GOT IT GOT IT GOT IT!
Teka England: Not-Curry. Or Conklin.
Teka England: Oooh, pretty.
Teka England: Uh, there's a puck there...
Teka England: I gots it! Oh, you gots it. He gots it?
Teka England: Joe Motzko failing at life.
Teka England: Motzko teaches Engelland to conga.
Teka England: Lovejoy's Monkey Face
Teka England: Lovejoy being a tool.
Teka England: Okay, I might have a soft spot for Lovejoy
Teka England: lostpuck
Teka England: lepisto concern
Teka England: Beagle and Arsene having some words.
Teka England: huddle4
Teka England: huddle3
Teka England: huddle2
Teka England: Gordon makes himself bigger
Teka England: Gordon Penguining
Teka England: All he wants is a little love, come on
Teka England: Gordon shooting on the Cheez
Teka England: Clymer's moving REALLY FAST, yo.
Teka England: gordon, plotting something big
Teka England: Freddie says relax.
Teka England: Peel me a grape?
Teka England: I think the goal's on part of Cassivi's pads.
Teka England: Louie pre-agitating the backup goalie