Bristolsun: Marshal Albin, Barista Scott Fowler, Jessica Koscher, CDM, and Sgt Adam Dernay
Bristolsun: DSC06116
Bristolsun: Town Mgr. Mitch Mitchell & Jessica Koscher ADEC Chief Development Mgr.
Bristolsun: DSC06121
Bristolsun: Mitchell, Albin, Dernay
Bristolsun: DSC06124
Bristolsun: DSC06125
Bristolsun: DSC06129
Bristolsun: coffee selections
Bristolsun: Koscher and Simons
Bristolsun: Bristol customer Barb Simons and Barista Scott Fowler
Bristolsun: Barista Scott Fowler
Bristolsun: gaining grounds
Bristolsun: Happy Customer
Bristolsun: gifts
Bristolsun: Art by ADEC
Bristolsun: Art by ADEC 3
Bristolsun: ADEC Art
Bristolsun: Art by ADEC 2
Bristolsun: entrance to patio 2
Bristolsun: Entrance to Patio
Bristolsun: Entrance
Bristolsun: Gaining Grounds Building
Bristolsun: Menu Gaining Grounds Coffee Shop
Bristolsun: Cup Cake Wars
Bristolsun: flavors
Bristolsun: Gaining Grounds
Bristolsun: gift certificates
Bristolsun: Additional Meeting Room
Bristolsun: meeting room