Bristolsun: 01 bristol indiana postoffice boxes
Bristolsun: 02 Bristol Postoffice Boxes-2
Bristolsun: 3 Emporium 2
Bristolsun: 4 old store check board
Bristolsun: 5 Patrick and sign
Bristolsun: 6 Patrick in the Emporium
Bristolsun: 7 Sears Catalog
Bristolsun: 8 Store clerk
Bristolsun: 9 Store counter
Bristolsun: 10 The Emporium1
Bristolsun: 11 Wooden Indian
Bristolsun: 12 William Swihart Foracker
Bristolsun: 13 App's Busy Corner circa 1909
Bristolsun: 14 auction tour old photo
Bristolsun: 15 Hilbish Store late 1800s
Bristolsun: 16 old store early photo
Bristolsun: 17 Stoll and old photo
Bristolsun: 18 auction tour old App sign
Bristolsun: 19 Tour 2007 Stoll at old cooler
Bristolsun: 20 auction tour old cooler
Bristolsun: 22 Stoll at bay window
Bristolsun: 23 stoll with elevator
Bristolsun: 24 auction tour old elevaor
Bristolsun: 25 Stoll in workshop
Bristolsun: 26 Tour1 Aug 2007
Bristolsun: 27 Tour view out the window
Bristolsun: 28 auction tour old drill presses
Bristolsun: 29 auction tour old stair chair
Bristolsun: 30 auction tour upstairs 1
Bristolsun: 31 auction tour upstairs 2