Lilly Pfizer: Wall art and security camera, secure unit.
Lilly Pfizer: Out of control colour scheme.
Lilly Pfizer: Tiled hallways are close to my <3
Lilly Pfizer: Happy, pink seclusion. Haha!
Lilly Pfizer: Ward artwork.
Lilly Pfizer: Clean, clinical hallway.
Lilly Pfizer: White butterfly room.
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Think that rainbow would cheer you up?
Lilly Pfizer: Hope? Yeah, I'd hope to get out of this fucking pink room.
Lilly Pfizer: Sweet nurses' station.
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Medication room.
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Oh, institutional tiles. What would I do without you?
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: The only water damage present, for now at least.
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Have you ever seen a bathroom THIS pink?
Lilly Pfizer: Nurses' station, day room.
Lilly Pfizer: Medical room.
Lilly Pfizer: Fluphenazine State Hospital
Lilly Pfizer: Blue room.