brinstar: For Those About to Rock...
brinstar: Emil and Colin Before a Livestream
brinstar: Matthew and C Norris Fluffcuddle Before a Livestream
brinstar: Matthew and John Before a Livestream
brinstar: Asja Rehearses for the Evening's Live Performance of "Fear Not This Night"
brinstar: Setting Up for the Guild Wars 2 Launch Party at ArenaNet
brinstar: Setting Up for the Guild Wars 2 Launch Party at ArenaNet
brinstar: Setting Up for the Guild Wars 2 Launch Party at ArenaNet
brinstar: Balthazar Ice Sculpture
brinstar: Guild Wars 2 Launch Party!
brinstar: Guild Wars 2 Launch Party!
brinstar: Anna, Ty, and Me
brinstar: Matthew Moore and C Norris Fluffcuddle
brinstar: The Stage and Countdown Screen
brinstar: MO Gives a Short Speech
brinstar: Everyone Gathers Round to Listen to Speeches at the Launch Party
brinstar: Everyone Gathers Round to Listen to Speeches at the Launch Party
brinstar: SongYee and TJ Give a Short Speech
brinstar: Randy Gives a Short Speech
brinstar: Everyone Gathers Round to Listen to Speeches at the Launch Party
brinstar: Daniel Gives a Short Speech
brinstar: Elijah Gives a Short Speech
brinstar: 50 Seconds!
brinstar: 2 Seconds!
brinstar: Guild Wars 2 is Live!
brinstar: Eric Gives a Short Speech
brinstar: Martin Gives a Short Speech
brinstar: Andy, Stephane, Dave, and Rubi
brinstar: Martin and Colin and Others
brinstar: Randy Gives a Speech