Bruno Rijsman: Kevin and Sid near the start of the hike
Bruno Rijsman: Vicky near the start of the hike
Bruno Rijsman: Getting warmed up
Bruno Rijsman: Sid and the group on the way up to Welch
Bruno Rijsman: Exiting the woods at the first ledges of Welch
Bruno Rijsman: Nearing the first ledges of Welch
Bruno Rijsman: Nearing the first ledges of Welch
Bruno Rijsman: Sid Kevin and Tecla nearing the first ledges of Welch
Bruno Rijsman: Kevin and Tecla nearing the first ledges of Welch
Bruno Rijsman: Tecla on the way to Welch ledges
Bruno Rijsman: The views at the first Welch ledges
Bruno Rijsman: More views at the first Welch ledges
Bruno Rijsman: Chris at the first Welch ledges
Bruno Rijsman: Vicky at the first Welch ledges
Bruno Rijsman: View of Welch peak from the first ledges
Bruno Rijsman: The group at Welch ledges with Welch peak in the background
Bruno Rijsman: View of the highway from the first Welch ledges
Bruno Rijsman: Getting ready to head of to Welch peak
Bruno Rijsman: On the ledges in front of Welch peak
Bruno Rijsman: Grabbing some food before heading off to Welch peak
Bruno Rijsman: Grabbing some food before heading off to Welch peak
Bruno Rijsman: Putting on some layers before heading off to Welch peak
Bruno Rijsman: On the way to Welch peak from the ledges
Bruno Rijsman: Tecla on the way to Welch peak
Bruno Rijsman: Barbara taking a break on the way to Welch peak
Bruno Rijsman: Barbara taking a break on the way to Welch peak
Bruno Rijsman: Trees laden with snow
Bruno Rijsman: The sun trying to break through the clouds
Bruno Rijsman: Sandy getting cold waiting for everyone to get their crampons on
Bruno Rijsman: Sandy getting cold waiting for everyone to get their crampons on