Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Maho and Cloud in Tea Cup Little Dolls closeup
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Piper and the fairy deer: say hello
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Lati WHite SP2 Ginger Cookie (Limited edition 10 cm doll)
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Apple and Piper: playing dress up.
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Lati White dolls: Piper, Cloud and Maho. 2022
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Piper and Mulberry
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Piper in the Flowers
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Live Deliciously: Mulberry, Maho, Piper, Cloud
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Pumpkin Patch Piper Maho Mulberry and Cloud (1)
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Back To School Clothes for Mulberry, Cloud, Piper and Maho (with bunnies!) (4)
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Back To School Clothes for Mulberry, Cloud, Piper and Maho
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Maho and Cloud in Tea Cup
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Lati Whites and Cloud Candy Mulberry Piper Maho and Cloud (5)
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Cloud candy for Piper and Maho. Wait,what about Cloud??
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Piper Maho Cloud and Mulberry in a line
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Tiny Dolls and Flowers
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
TIny Dolls wish you merry Christmas
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Tiny Dolls on pink sofa (3)
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Little Piper and Cloud for Christmas.
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Apple and Piper in dresses.
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Apple and Piper in dresses.
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Live Deliciously: Mulberry, Maho, Piper, Cloud
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Pumpkin Patch Piper Maho Mulberry and Cloud (6)
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Piper and the fairy deer: say hello
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Play time with tiny dolls.
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Play time with tiny dolls.
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Play time with tiny dolls.
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Lati White and Nuz Nova Zhu in kimono
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Piper and Cloud in kimono
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Super Tiny Dolls in Kimono