Carol Hartfree: 1 of 52a - Holga Littlehampton Harbour
Carol Hartfree: 1 of 52b - taking the decorations down.
Carol Hartfree: 2 of 52 - Frosty Petals. Taken on the first really frosty morning of 2012.
Carol Hartfree: 3 of 52b - Piccolo Player.
Carol Hartfree: 4 of 52a First bunch of daffodils for 2012.
Carol Hartfree: 4 of 52b - Secret Garden door at Polesden Lacey.
Carol Hartfree: 4 of 52c - The Nun's Path at Polesden Lacey.
Carol Hartfree: 5 of 52a - Westbourne Terrace Bridge, Little Venice, London, 4th February 2012. 11.20pm.
Carol Hartfree: 6 of 52b - House fire in New Malden.
Carol Hartfree: 6 of 52a - I think this pretty much sums up my week! — at Chiswick, west London.
Carol Hartfree: 7 of 52c - Valentines Night Girl. Here because I just loved the fact that I managed to capture her.
Carol Hartfree: 7 of 52b - Vintage Ducks
Carol Hartfree: 7 of 52d - John's roses macro and ring light. 1/4sec, f9, 100 iso
Carol Hartfree: 7 of 52c - narcissus stamens. 1/125 f2.8 100 iso. 100mm macro, extension tubes and ring light.
Carol Hartfree: 8 of 52a - milk droplet
Carol Hartfree: 8 of 52b - Olive Oil bubbles, on red table mat
Carol Hartfree: 9 of 52b - Birthday Zinnia
Carol Hartfree: 9 of 52a - The Affronted.
Carol Hartfree: 9 of 52d - Holga St. Pauls
Carol Hartfree: 9 of 52c - Little Girl, Big World...
Carol Hartfree: 10 of 52b - My beautiful birthday flowers 9 days in.
Carol Hartfree: 10 of 52a - Macro DOF Lilly stamens
Carol Hartfree: 10 of 52c - The Poundland Chicks Choir. There's always one who looks at the camera...
Carol Hartfree: 11 of 52 a - How to spend a wet afternoon.
Carol Hartfree: 11 of 52b - Ellen at 22 months
Carol Hartfree: 12 of 52b - Well 'Loved' Score.
Carol Hartfree: 12 of 52a - Please listen?
Carol Hartfree: 12 of 52c - How?
Carol Hartfree: 13 of 52a - Purple haze
Carol Hartfree: 13 of 52b - CD Refraction