brightdawns: “There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva.”
brightdawns: “Travel does what good novelists also do to the life of everyday, placing it like a picture in a frame or a gem in its setting, so that the intrinsic qualities are made more clear. Travel does this with the very stuff that everyday life is made of..."
brightdawns: “The present in New York is so powerful that the past is lost.”
brightdawns: “One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years”
brightdawns: “Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still.”
brightdawns: “Like tourists huffing and puffing to reach the peak we forget the view on the way up”
brightdawns: “Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain”
brightdawns: "I am in love with the green earth"
brightdawns: “The hardest thing in life to learn is which bridge to cross and which to burn.”
brightdawns: “I'm youth, I'm joy, I'm a little bird that has broken out of the egg.”
brightdawns: “A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat”
brightdawns: East Village
brightdawns: “When night Darkens the streets, then wander forth the sons Of Belial, flown with insolence and wine”
brightdawns: "I really believe I was happier when I slept on a park bench in Central Park than during all the years of the 'perfect lover' stuff.''
brightdawns: "To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring."