bright_side: Entrance to the Upper canyon
bright_side: Grand foye
bright_side: Sandstone curves
bright_side: Sand-fall
bright_side: Outer glow
bright_side: Sun catcher
bright_side: Sun beam - 1
bright_side: Sun beam - 3
bright_side: Sun beam - 2
bright_side: Wedged log
bright_side: Walking to Lower Antelope canyon
bright_side: Canyon entrance
bright_side: Inside Lower Antelope
bright_side: Making a movie
bright_side: Red rock shapes, curves, and shades
bright_side: Slide down into darker world
bright_side: Red rock shapes, curves, and shades
bright_side: Red rock shapes, curves, and shades
bright_side: Antelope curves and shades - 2
bright_side: Window into the world of red rock
bright_side: Antelope curves and shades - 3 (BW)
bright_side: Kingdom of curves
bright_side: Gate under a watchful eye
bright_side: Open Eye - closer
bright_side: Open Eye
bright_side: Coming down
bright_side: Red rock wall
bright_side: Peeking outside
bright_side: Exit hole
bright_side: Lower Antelope canyon lines, curves, and shades of red