Mike Shell: 3rd incarnation
Mike Shell: Western sun
Mike Shell: Aloe vera parent plant
Mike Shell: Schlumbergera with cats
Mike Shell: Dog tail cactus, repotted 9 months later
Mike Shell: Three weeks after potting
Mike Shell: New Schlumbergera sprouts
Mike Shell: Yucca blossoms
Mike Shell: Christmas cactus
Mike Shell: Sempervivum "Commander Hey" I
Mike Shell: Sempervivum "Commander Hey" II
Mike Shell: Sempervivum "Commander Hey" III
Mike Shell: "Sticks on Fire" aka red pencil tree
Mike Shell: Tasteless stonecrop (early spring)
Mike Shell: Aloe vera 2024
Mike Shell: Aloe vera and shadows
Mike Shell: Another angle
Mike Shell: Morning light I
Mike Shell: Mother of thousands blossoms I
Mike Shell: Mother of thousands blossoms II
Mike Shell: Mother of thousands blossoms III
Mike Shell: Mother of thousands blossoms IV
Mike Shell: Mother of thousands blossoms V
Mike Shell: Mother of thousands & Florida thatch I
Mike Shell: Mother of thousands & Florida thatch II
Mike Shell: Mother of thousands & Florida thatch III
Mike Shell: Kalanchoe in rain I
Mike Shell: Kalanchoe in rain II
Mike Shell: Kalanchoe in rain III
Mike Shell: Plantlets on Mother of thousands I