Mike Shell: Autumn dinner time
Mike Shell: Double-crested cormorant rookery I
Mike Shell: Double-crested cormorant rookery II
Mike Shell: Double-crested cormorant rookery III
Mike Shell: Double-crested cormorant rookery IV
Mike Shell: Double-crested cormorant rookery V
Mike Shell: Double-crested cormorant rookery VI
Mike Shell: New England aster and friend
Mike Shell: Bumblebee and perennial sunflower
Mike Shell: Smooth sumac with aphid galls
Mike Shell: Smooth sumac aphid galls
Mike Shell: Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
Mike Shell: Eastern gray squirrel
Mike Shell: Nest in forsythia
Mike Shell: Large milkweed bugs I
Mike Shell: Large milkweed bugs II
Mike Shell: Canadian geese I
Mike Shell: Canadian geese II
Mike Shell: Canadian geese III
Mike Shell: Canadian geese IV
Mike Shell: Canadian geese V
Mike Shell: Canadian geese VI
Mike Shell: Canadian geese on Lincoln Pond
Mike Shell: Canadian geese family
Mike Shell: Vapourer moth caterpillar
Mike Shell: Eastern lubber grasshopper
Mike Shell: Pink columbine with fly
Mike Shell: European hornet (?) nest
Mike Shell: Monarch on milkweed
Mike Shell: Cloudless Sulphur on Star Cluster Penta