Mike Shell: Imaginary "Waiting for Godot" set
Mike Shell: "And here's another clue for you all...."
Mike Shell: 19˚ Fahrenheit
Mike Shell: Sunrise
Mike Shell: At breakfast
Mike Shell: Western sun
Mike Shell: Aloe vera parent plant
Mike Shell: Schlumbergera with cats
Mike Shell: Projected sunset
Mike Shell: Sugar maple overdose III
Mike Shell: Sunset
Mike Shell: Crown of thorns
Mike Shell: Climbing rose I
Mike Shell: Climbing rose II
Mike Shell: Climbing rose III
Mike Shell: Climbing rose IV
Mike Shell: Climbing rose V
Mike Shell: Morning glow
Mike Shell: Hadwen Park Church
Mike Shell: Stairwell
Mike Shell: Tea tables
Mike Shell: Trivets & cutting boards
Mike Shell: China cabinet I
Mike Shell: China cabinet II
Mike Shell: China cabinet III
Mike Shell: China cabinet montage
Mike Shell: Windows in windows
Mike Shell: Kitchen table
Mike Shell: Windows on the driveway
Mike Shell: Car door frame