Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Approaching St. Marks Square ...
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Venice [through the mist !]
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Venitian architecture....
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Cutting it a bit fine !!!
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Ferry boat and beyond........
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Leaning tower of ..... 'Venice' !!!!
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Towards St. Marks Square
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Waterfront buildings......
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: First sight of Gondola's and Gondaliers
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Tourists and Art for sale
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Classy boats and peeling plaster !
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Toursists making for St. Marks Square (inc. us !)
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Setting off down the canals....
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Under The Bridge of Sighs
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Passing under the Bridge of Sighs !
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: At the 'mouth' of St. Marks Square !
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Across the water ......
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Waiting Gondolas.......