Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Thistle [with ladybird]
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Verge full of Dandelions....
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Water droplets on the Foxgloves
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Growing through the wall
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Growing out of the high wall.....
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Horizontal growing....
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Rooted in the wall....
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Rain after a long dry spell
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Spring may have arrived .....
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Growing wild by the motorway
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: The M62 Lancashire bound ......
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Growing on the side of the motorway
Halliwell_Michael ## keep smiling ##: Canalside colour (with Bee !)