brien_pirkle: Loaded and ready to rock
brien_pirkle: Way to bright without shades
brien_pirkle: Rapeseed in the background
brien_pirkle: Camper-selfie
brien_pirkle: Graham by the gate
brien_pirkle: Brien by the gate
brien_pirkle: Brien by the gate 2
brien_pirkle: Graham by the gate 2
brien_pirkle: IMG_1689[1]
brien_pirkle: Busy in Alfriston
brien_pirkle: The Bat-tent and the Spitfire
brien_pirkle: Busy at the campsite
brien_pirkle: Church in Alfriston
brien_pirkle: Brien and a pint of Darkstar Hophead, Geroge Inn, Alfriston
brien_pirkle: Brien and Hophead 2
brien_pirkle: Graham in the beer garden, George inn, Alfriston
brien_pirkle: Blury starter, prociutto, asparagus and quail eggs
brien_pirkle: Lamb cutlets, baby carrots and mash
brien_pirkle: Cheese board w/crumble in the background
brien_pirkle: Graham, trangia, bat-tent
brien_pirkle: Bowl above Alfriston
brien_pirkle: Wild camping spot above Alfriston
brien_pirkle: Graham above Alfriston w/rapeseed in the background
brien_pirkle: Graham's Trek camping bike
brien_pirkle: Above Alfriston on Sunday
brien_pirkle: Above Alfriston on Sunday 2
brien_pirkle: Graham climbing above Alfriston on Sunday